Tuesday, July 3, 2007

A dark night at the office

This morning when I came into the office and by force of habit went straight to the coffee pot. I mixed my starbucks blend, filtered the water, and measured just the right amount of half-and-half. But just as I was reaching for the cream, I noticed something awry.

It appears that the animal crackers had been busy during the night. Somehow they had broken through the bag and were making their escape. When I turned on the light they all froze. One of them was in mid-break from the bag.

I put them all back in the bag.

They exist for a purpose. They would live out that purpose.

Well, except for one. The camel. Apparently he had been going for water, and he didn't make it.

No wonder they're endangered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehe!! This is so funny! and random! this is great!